LEGO Star Wars

11 Apr
LEGO Star Wars

LEGO Star Wars

Star Wars organ goes out of 20,000 LEGO bricks on the road again

To promote the Star Wars toy sets the Agency’s service plan for the LEGO Group Campaign a huge barrel-organ out of 20,000 LEGO bricks built, which plays in rotating the roller, the Star Wars theme song. The large musical instrument was published in January in the premiere of environment: see “Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace 3D” in theaters and is now back on tour: From 12 to 15 April, they can be rotated on the LEGO Kids Fest in the Event Arena in Munich’s Olympic Park.

Munich, 11 April 2012 Following the hugely positive response of many small and large fans is a huge LEGO Star Wars organ on tour again this week and is seen on the LEGO Kids Fest in the event arena in Olympic Park in Munich. Earlier this year, the organ was in the run up to the premiere of “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace was seen in 3D movie theaters. To apply the LEGO Star Wars sets, the advertising agency service plan Campaign had developed the large musical instrument that consists of more than 20,000 LEGO bricks. The stones and elements are arranged so that they hit upon rotation of the roller, the keys of a keyboard and composed by John Williams Star Wars theme song is heard. Made was the organ of the two professional LEGO farmers Rene Hoffmeister and Axel Al-Rubaie, who were in the design and the various scenes of the Star Wars saga, so in addition to the “Death Star” and the desert landscapes of the planet “Tatooine” that see icy landscape of “Hoth” and the jungle scenery of “Endor” are.
Star Wars fans and interested moviegoers were able to rotate the drum itself and the order directly to their built-in toy sets via a mapped QR-code on or dip even further into the online Star Wars galaxy with its many characters. This allowed the instrument to be in close contact with the product line of LEGO: The interactive, multimedia installation enabled the playfulness and the imagination of fans in addition to organ already demonstrated by their style, how big are the creative possibilities with LEGO.

According to the LEGO Kids Festival this week is the organ of 6 to 11 June also at LEGOLAND in Guenzburg be seen.

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