Lego Star Wars

22 Mar

Luke Skywalker escape the cave creature WAMP Lego Star Wars!
Lego Star Wars
During the research mission on Hoth, Luke Skywalker is captured and savagely attacked by a creature WAMP. Can he use force to recover the sword before the creature to get to him? Or pilot Zev Snesca reach by snowmobile and help him Lego Star Wars?

Lego Star Wars Features:
– The set includes three figures: WAMP ice creature, Luke Skywalker and Zev Senesca;
– Containing the cave of WAMP and snowmobiling;
– Snowmobile cabin can be opened, it has the towing cable and hook;
– Cave measures 18 cm long and 10 inches wide;

– Snowmobile measured 18 cm long Lego Star Wars.

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