SWTOR dance one unexpected glitch

15 Mar

Over the years I heard many glitch’s various MMOs, most of World of Warcraft, but the latest glitch in Star Wars: The Old Republic surpasses all. How states and one Joystiq editors, you encounter such a bug if you sit and you wonder whether it was done intentionally by any developer.

So it’s where pretty funny glitch in SWTOR. According to sources who confirmed the glitch, if you use the command “/ getdown” during a fight, those who attack you (both normal NPCs and boss type NPCs) will be interrupted constantly. Obviously, “/ getdown” is a dance movement. It seems that NPCs allow easily impressed by players’ inclination to dance … dance icon biggrin in SWTOR, an unexpected glitch

Personally, I started to play SWTOR and experience this glitch, but I am sure many are thinking to take advantage of it if it can be used in a particular encounter.

Anyways, BioWare removed all claims about the glitch on the official formurile. You will probably arrive soon a permanent solution.

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