Star Wars: The Old Republic

15 Mar

Today, Star Wars: The Old Republic may be considered the most ambitious ever in terms of voice acting.

According to Guinness World Records, the popular MMORPG contains over 200,000 lines of dialogue recorded by hundreds of actors, thus exceeding any film or game before. The founders of BioWare, Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk, accepted the award on the night launch of SWTOR.

The new record is now included in the latest version of the book of Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition, which is already available in the U.S., the UK launch scheduled for January 19.

Somehow, I knew that Star Wars: The Old Republic is one of the games full of dialogue, which was created due to agitation in the press release before the game. It remains to be seen what other records will be able to establish the MMO from BioWare.

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